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-Mary's Everything Crete Premium Collection Extra Class Premium Quality-.
Our premium olive oil with fresh natural lemon essential oil.
From heartburn, high cholesterol, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), to metabolic syndrome, obesity, peptic ulcers, bleeding gums, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, to osteoarthritis, Helicobacter pylori or inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis: Olive oil is a tireless helper and protector of our immune system and an excellent tonic for the liver and pancreas, as well as for the proper functioning of the kidneys. Although lemon is considered an acidic fruit, it has an alkaline effect on the body, which makes it useful in rheumatic diseases, where acidity is one of the factors contributing to their development. The essential oils it contains are antiseptic and antibacterial and strengthen the inside of the mucous membranes of blood vessels, especially the veins and capillaries, thus helping to combat varicose veins and the tendency to bruise.
Minimum recommended duration: 6 weeks (1 bottle / person).